The rapid technological development in the last years, allows us to perform an operation without the traditional scalpel. Especially in Endocrine Operations, the need for surgical precision is even more pressing.
Dr Karvounis has implemented the use of radiofrequencies (RF) in his daily surgical practice. The use of these modern types of energy contributes to the safe haemostasis of the multiple blood vessels (arteries and veins) of the thyroid gland and to avoiding perioperative bleeding. In this way, the need for transfusion is extremely rare.
Moreover, use of RF provides an excellent tissue sample for the histological examination, due to the minimal destruction caused at the cellular level.
The patient’s recovery is rapid, with minimal postoperative pain, since there is 73% less thermal spread in comparison to conventional diathermy or use of laser.
The RF radiofrequencies, operating in the 4mHertz area, are a safe dissection tool for thyroid operations, because their application does not affect, to a large degree, the recurrent laryngeal nerve and its peripheral branches.
They provide the best aesthetic result as far as the surgical incision is concerned, due to the specific types of electrodes that are applied and the lower thermal spread caused.